The Elephant in the Room
THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM …JUST CAUSE The majority of economists that research “protective” tenant measures such as rent controls agree that these laws fail in accomplishing their goals of affordability, supply of housing, and displacement of tenants. The statistics...
Aka…Rent Controls
THE TENANCY PROTECTION ACT of 2019 (AB 1482) AKA…Rent Control It should come as no surprise that AB 1482, also known as the Tenancy Protection Act of 2019, passed as an attempt to address the current housing shortage which aims to prevent “rent gouges” and potentially...
Why am I even Blogging?
I put this blog site together for private investors, also referred to as “mom and pops”, to provide them with relevant and localized real estate content. Mom and pop investors make up a big majority of property owners, yet they’re very underserved and being left...